Who knew that Charlize Theron, of all people, resided in a sprawling industrial loft! Her 2,000 square foot penthouse loft was redesigned by the dynamic duo, Berchtold Harris. The former space was a raw and industrial blank canvas and updated to infuse in a 1920's flair. The color scheme consists of black and white, with added pops of color. Full height drapery panels had warmth, dark wood floors add drama, shag rugs bring in some cozy elements and exposed brick provide that industrial chic one might want in a penthouse loft.

Many elements were custom designed, such as this floor to ceiling built-in to accommodate the flat screen tv and storage.

Another custom piece is the dining room table, said to resembles a horse bit, which the designers say was inspired by Theron's equestrian-styled magazine cover shoot.

An outdoor terrace (described with views) showcases the buildings unique and decorative exteriors.

In the master bedroom, the designers carved out a walk-in closet by installing an upholstered floating wall as a grand headboard. A mirror above the bed reflects the amazing views of the city.

Old-school and glam, the master bathroom is a luxurious retreat.

A large scale clock (said to have come from Boston) defines the open space and creates an focal point of interest.
Images via the Huffington Post Home.
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